SYNGEAR 80w140 GL5
A 80w140 semi synthetic transmission oil based on high quality base oils and performance additives.
For use in transmission systems requiring high performance high viscosity lubrication.
User Benefits
* Low temperature fluidity ensures rapid lubrication on cold starts.
*The high viscosity synthetic formulation provides maximum wear protection with low oxidation levels.
Performance Profile
MIL: MIL-L-2105D
MAN: 342M-2
ZF TE-ML: 05A, 7A, 12E, 16B, C, D, 17B, 19B
Typical Characteristics
SAE Viscosity 80w140
Specific Gravity (at 15°C) 0.879
Kinematic Viscosity (at 100°C, cSt) 30
Kinematic Viscosity (at 40°C, cSt) 450
Viscosity Index 105
Pour Point (°C) -25
Flash Point (°C) 158