Premium GEL
Syntetická gelová vazelína vhodná pro širokou škálu aplikací v potravinářských, nápojových a farmaceutických provozech nebo všude tam, kde je vyžadována čistá vazelína. Netající, netoxický gel vhodný pro mazání ložisek, plastových součástí a O kroužků. Obahuje PTFE aditiva.
Všechny složky produktu jsou schváleny orgánem FDA.
MILLFOOD PREMIUM GEL can be applied by hand, or by using a standard grease gun (400 gm cartridges are available), or via a central lubricating system capable of pumping an NLGI No. 2 grease
Appearance: White translucent grease
NLGI Classification: 2
Thickener: Silica
Drop point (IP 132: Non melting
Base oil: High V.I. Technical White Oil
Viscosity @ 40C: 54 cSt
Viscosity @100C: 8 cSt
Oil Separation: None
Solid lubricant: PTFE
Water washout (ASTM D1264)@ 38C: < 2% max
Dynamic corrosion resistance EMCOR) (IP 220): 0:0
Shell Four ball - Weld Load (IP239): 210g
dN factor: 600, 000
Operating temperature range: - 40C to +160C
*Resistance to the wet and salt water enables lubrication intervals to be extended
*Wide temperature range makes this a very versatile grease
*Excellent anti-wear performance prolongs component life
*Good resistance to vibrating conditions extending lubrication intervals
Health and Safety Data Sheets 2434-1 applies to this product. When used for the purpose recommended and with due regard to the appropriate Health and Safety Data, the product should cause no concern. If in doubt, consult with Millers Oils Technical Department.