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HYPOID 80w90 GL5

HYPOID 80w90 GL5

A high performance extreme pressure (EP) hypoid gear lubricant consisting of high quality solvent refined base stocks with performance additives.

For use in vehicle and industrial applications for hypoid gears requiring high performance EP lubrication

User Benefits
* The GL5 specification provides exceptional load carrying capability to protect hypoid gears
* The multigrade capability covers SAE 80 and SAE 90 requirement reducing stock inventory

Typical Characteristics
SAE Viscosity 80w90
Specific Gravity (at 15°C) 0.894
Kinematic Viscosity (at 100°C, cSt) 15.4
Kinematic Viscosity (at 40°C, cSt) 153
Viscosity Index 102
Pour Point (°C) -27
Flash Point (°C) 200

Performance Profile
MIL: MIL-L-2105D
MAN: 342M-2
ZF TE-ML: 05A, 7A, 12E, 16B, C, D, 17B, 19B
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